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Global Religion and Politics Research Group

An interdisciplinary research community


New understandings and creative responses to the challenges of socially and religiously diverse worlds

photo of a beach scene

The Global Religion and Politics Research Group brings together innovative thinkers in search of new understandings of, and creative responses to, the challenges of socially and religiously diverse worlds. Through interdisciplinary reading seminars, invited speakers, and working groups, the Group creates a vibrant research community.

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Global 'Religion'

This symposium focused on how the category of religion has been received, translated, criticized, and transformed beyond its European “homeland.”  A new “post-pandemic” cohort of faculty, graduate students, and colleagues from Northwestern and from other institutions gathered to build community around shared research interests while advancing the conversation on non-Western perspectives in the study of religion.
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Reporting Islam

This symposium convened scholars of Islam, public affairs, education, race, and law together with practicing journalists and attorneys for a sustained reflection on the conventions that pervade contemporary public discourse Islam and Muslims in the United States and abroad.
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Student Working Group
The Religion and Global Politics student working group provides an interdisciplinary space for graduate students to share their research projects and to discuss emerging approaches to studying the intersections of religion and politics in global and transnational perspectives.

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Who we are

The Global Politics and Religion Research Group brings together faculty, graduate students, and visitors from Anthropology, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology to create a vibrant research community.

Meet the Participants


Buffett Book Talk: Heaven Has a Wall

4:00 PM - 5:15 PM, Evanston

Join us for a book talk with Beth Hurd, author of Heaven Has a Wall. Through an analysis of the many ways the United States creates, en...

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